Home Interior Spaces Inspired by Your Favorite Destinations

interior design specialists in west hartfordLife experiences are often the best sources of inspiration for creating the interior home design you have always wanted. Think about your recent vacations or some of the most scenic places you have visited and you will be shuttered with ideas. By doing so, you can borrow the works of professional interior designers who have carefully crafted the designs of your favorite hotels, resorts and theme parks from around the globe. And if that were not enough, just look outside and marvel in the colors, beauty and textures of all things nature crafted by the world’s foremost designer, Mother Nature.

Bed and Bath

It’s often easier to craft a design for a home when you take it one room at a time. Try starting in a guest room or bath then make your way to the master bedroom and the larger rooms in your home.

For bedrooms and bathrooms, you might take inspiration from the trendy boutique hotels. These little gems are pros at centering themes on focal points with modern color palettes and clean lines that open up smaller spaces that feel much larger. The Library Hotel in NYC’s SoHo neighborhood is a great example of a handsome guest room.  For the master bedroom, you may be inspired by the tan walls and ceiling that perfectly complement the hardwood flooring in the airy minimalistic design of the Hotel Palm Spring in New Delhi, India.

Living Room

In addition to your traveling experience, many of the best interior design inspirations are often closer than you think. For instance, the interior designs of popular country clubs are a great source of inspiration for creating a symmetrically balanced living room that welcomes nature into a space.

Naturally, nature is often the focal point in interior home design. The majestic mountain vistas and deep hues of Palm Springs served as an inspiration and focal point for an old world style living room for a well-appointed luxury home. And let’s not forget that many luxury apartment communities have professionally decorated exquisite clubhouses that are also an ideal palette for designing a cozy living room for any size space or budget.

For example, a warm and inviting living room space can be created with a beautiful stone fireplace as the focal point against light tan painted walls and classic white trim around molding, doors and windows that are perfectly balanced with modern wood furniture on handsome hardwood floors as at the bright and airy Bees Ferry Clubhouse. For an intimate and charming living room space, you might look to the trendy London boutique hotels for elegant interior design and decorating ideas for your space.


glastonbury ct professional interior paintingWant to design a backyard oasis, think about your favorite resorts. Even if you have never travelled far from home, you can explore some of the most spectacular places on the planet without ever leaving your living room.  Whether you live deep in the heart of Maine and desire a lush tropical theme for your home or prefer a Cape Cod style interior design for a Hawaiian cottage, creating a comfortable interior space wherever you call home is easier than you imagine. Of course, you can always call a professional home painter and interior design specialist for help with any home decorating project.


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