Unique Designs for Small Kitchen Paint Colors

Before you tackle a makeover of your tiny kitchen, keep in mind that small kitchen paint colors are definitely a thing. Paint colors can create a range of effects that you may want or need to consider. To begin with, how would you like the fresh paint job to give your kitchen a more spacious effect? Do you like the idea of choosing small kitchen paint colors that dispel ennui or plain, everyday boredom? Let your interior upgrade perform beyond expectations by considering the potential impact of various small kitchen paint colors, as follows.

Professional Kitchen Cabinet painting in Burlington CTHelp Coloring Outside the Lines

A small kitchen space can quickly feel cluttered and a bit chaotic with bright, clashing colors, but that doesn’t mean you have to stick with white. Your small kitchen paint colors provide an opportunity to make your home a reflection of your personality and style. Is there a rich paint color that stirs you? There’s a way to create a visual flow that incorporates any hue.

Truthfully, though, the help of a designer is necessary for many people to enjoy the spectacular results they crave. A certain eye is simply necessary to make paint color decisions that achieve stunning results. That’s why Franklin Painting sets clients up for a consultation with our staff colorist. These sessions typically last 90 minutes and are complimentary with most of our projects. Our colorist assists in determining the design, paint color, and overall plan that satisfies individual preferences.

Be a Little Daring

Small kitchens provide the ideal opportunity to do something unexpected. A paint color that may create an overwhelming effect on the walls of a large kitchen could deliver a flawless impact in a small space. A pink kitchen wall matched with numerous well-placed plants could be the reason for more smiles at mealtime. To try this radiant idea, check out Benjamin Moore Island Sunset Pink Paint Color 1346.

Over the Top

To create a spacious effect, go ahead with a pleasing white shade of paint on the walls and cabinets but go with a bold shade on the ceiling. A stunning shade of blue will draw the eyes upward and give the room a more expansive feel. Check out the number one blue paint color at Sherwin Williams—Gale Force SW 7605.


When multiple surfaces are painted with the same color, the visual blending removes focal points. Because this means the eyes aren’t drawn to any particular area, an overall cohesive look is achieved. It helps to eliminate any choppiness that may otherwise exist in a small kitchen.

Professional Kitchen Painting in Glastonbury CTGo monochrome in a variety of shades. One to consider is convivial Margarita 2026-20 by Benjamin Moore.

Contact Franklin About Small Kitchen Paint Colors

Franklin Painting LLC is a place where you can get help for paint projects of just about any size.

Our paint professionals are well-schooled in applications for small kitchen paint colors that deliver a flawless finish. We also offer stunning faux finishes, cabinet refinishing services, risk-free interior and exterior painting, and more.

Contact us at Franklin Painting today! Call 877-646-7774 or visit our website.

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