Among professional painters, paint primer is a much-appreciated tool and problem-solver. The universal quality of primers is that they stick to the surface being prepped and make it ready for paint, as long as the primer is made for that particular surface. When you understand the functions of different types of primers, you realize why professional painters put so much value on paint primer.
When is Primer Not Needed?
When primer is needed, it works wonders. But if it’s not needed, skip that step. If a previously painted surface isn’t chipping or peeling anywhere, there is no need to apply primer unless there are stains that need to be covered or unless the new paint color is drastically different from the current color. When re-painting interior woodwork, spot-priming is usually the most that is needed. Modern Exterior paints have similar handling needs, in that priming bare wood or patched areas is critical to a good job. This was not always the case as for years conventional wisdom prevailed that a full prime coat was necessary for top performance on exterior work; that is no longer the case with the advanced-formula products available these days.
Drywall Primer-Sealer
The mud used on drywall seams creates a challenge because it doesn’t absorb paint in the same way drywall does. Because of a difference in porosity, the paint over the mud appears to have dull, blotchy areas. Drywall primer-sealer will prevent this problem from occurring.
Stain-Blocking Primer
Some stains and odors bleed through most paints and primers, regardless of the number of coats applied. There are two types of stain-blocking primer, however, which are effective at blocking the penetration of stains and odors. The types of stains blocked from odors bleeding through paint include food dyes, crayon marks, and dinginess. The types of stains blocked include tobacco smoke and smoke from fires.
There are oil-based stain-blocking primers and water-based stain blocking primers. The oil-based primers are considered by many experts to be the most effective stain-blockers for water-based stains and odors, such as wood tannins, nicotine, rust, and smoke. The primer itself is odorous, however, and requires paint thinner during cleanup.
Water-based stain-blocking primers are most effective at blocking scuff marks, ink, grease, and crayons.
Stain-blocking primer that is especially made for high-humidity areas should be applied in bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, and closets. Mildew should be killed before priming.
Exterior Paint Primer
Outdoor paint is exposed to a lot of stress, and primer can significantly extend the life of your paint. In fact, if you use a high-quality primer, the life of your exterior paint job can be doubled.
Bonus Primer Tips and Information
- Many primers are made to chemically and physically bond with the paint applied over them, but there is a certain time frame in which the painting needs to occur. After about 48 hours, the effectiveness of the bond is lost and a repeat coat of primer will need to be applied.
- For best results, choose a primer and paint that are made by the same manufacturer because the primers are usually formulated to work most effectively with certain paints.
- If you are painting a dark color over the primer, avoid using white primer. Use primer tinted gray or some other color that can match better with your topcoat.
If you would like to forego the challenge of trying to achieve a professional paint job on your home’s interior or exterior, contact us. Our professionals can get the job done right with a minimum amount of inconvenience to you and your household.
Franklin Painting LLC – Call us Toll Free at 877-646-7774
or at our main office number 860-678-7701
160 Brickyard Road, Farmington, CT 06032