Nothing more than a fresh coat of quality paint can achieve an interior makeover in countless ways. When you know how to create an accent wall, you can doubtlessly look forward to real transformation. Accent walls may feature a separate paint color or a different type of distinction. A unique design, material type, or pattern can be the eye-catching difference on display. Considerations for effectively creating an accent wall follow:
Determine the Natural Focal Point
You may find that it’s easier to get the help of design experts when you set out to create an accent wall. On the other hand, you may find it easy to make the determinations that lead you in the right direction. For instance, identifying the focal point is a consideration when choosing an accent wall for a particular room.
Where do your eyes naturally fall when you enter the room? It may be on the wall with a fireplace. The arrangement of the furniture may draw your eyes to the wall that will best serve as an accent wall. A strategy design experts use is to choose the wall lining up best with the natural focal point.
Franklin Painting provides homeowners in Farmington CT and the surrounding area with proven professional paint services, including design help. Our expert painters’ skills include a wide range of faux finishes that can serve beautifully as accent walls. Their experience includes adeptly choosing the wall with the strongest focal point.
The Room’s Dimensions
An accent wall can bring needed balance to a room if its dimensions are unusual. For instance, in a long, narrow room, create an accent wall on the shortest, farthest wall. The effect will be that the room feels more spacious and less narrow.
Consider Function
Open floor plans have continued to grow in popularity in recent years. As a result, large rooms often serve multiple functions. Kitchen-dining room combinations and kitchen-dining room-living areas are common. Accent walls can do a beautiful job of lending ease to such busy spaces. For instance, in an open space room design, creating an accent wall may be perfect to set the dining area apart as distinct from the surrounding functions.
Architectural Details
Sometimes, the architectural beauty in a room is not the best choice for an accent wall. In the case of a room with large picture windows, it could distract from the beauty of the outside view if that is the chosen accent wall.
Instead, consider other factors, such as lighting and how it affects the appearance of the desired paint color.
Contact the Experts in Accent Walls at Franklin Painting
If you are interested in how to create an accent wall, keep in mind that at Franklin Painting LLC, the paint pros are experienced experts. Our finished work delivers high-quality results without fail. Contact us at Franklin Painting today by calling 877-646-7774 or by visiting our website.
Frank Campanelli, the esteemed founder of Franklin Painting LLC, has been leading the company since 1986. He takes immense pride in the stellar reputation his dedicated team has built by consistently delivering top-notch service to each customer.