Why Cheap House Painting Estimates are Dreadful Options

farmington ct house painting estimatesA cheap estimate on interior or exterior house painting is usually the sign of a disastrous option. With a low bid, a contractor is forced to cut corners in order to make a profit. There are different ways to lower the cost of professional painting, and most of them involve delivering a substandard paint job with unsatisfactory results.

Inadequate Prep

Surface preparation is a major factor in achieving an excellent paint job. When “paint prep” is skipped or handled haphazardly for an interior or exterior paint job, the only way the finish might look good is if the surfaces were in perfect condition.

Before painting a home interior, rough spots are smoothed and holes are filled. If these things aren’t done, every dent and flaw will show. The walls will look old, even with fresh paint.

On the exterior, substrates must be structurally intact before painting. Cheap painters usually just paint over peeling paint and rotting wood. As a result, the new coat of paint will very quickly need fresh attention.

Primer is not always necessary; but application of primer for many interior and exterior paint jobs makes a huge difference in quality, when it is needed. Primer is necessary, for example, when drywall, wood, or plaster has been repaired. If a wall has staining and/or odors, stain-blocking primers will prevent those effects from continuing. When a change in paint color is made without needed primer, the results can be dreadful.

Poor-Quality Paint

To boost profits on a low-cost house painting project, a contractor will use cheap paint. When it comes to house paint, the quality of the product is directly linked to the performance of the paint. Cheap paint yields substandard results. Paint professionals who care about producing quality work only use high-quality paint. Some of the qualities of top paints for house painting follow:

  • Provide truer colors
  • Coverage is more consistent
  • The finish is more impressive
  • Hold up against wear and tear
  • On the exterior, looks good for the long-term, in spite of harsh outdoor elements
  • More years before painting is needed again

No Licensing, Insurance,  or Professional Affiliations

Legitimate paint professionals invest in insurance and proper licensing, which can be expensive. A licensed painter is one with proven experience. When a painter has insurance, customers don’t have to worry about being held liable if someone is injured on the job. Painters serious about quality workmanship also maintain professional affiliations.

Unskilled Workers

Trained, experienced painters are part of the expense for legitimate paint contractors. Unskilled labor is cheaper, and shoddy workmanship is a reasonable expectation. There is a good chance unsafe work practices will occur in your home, if the laborers are inexperienced and unskilled at painting. It is a foregone conclusion that labor costs are among the cuts made by a company offering a very low estimate. The workers themselves may use slovenly practices, including being sloppy about details while painting or taking steps to protect furniture.

Poor Communication

A valued characteristic of quality paint companies is excellent communication. If a paint company doesn’t have the expense of office staff, poor management and dismal lines of communication with customers can be expected.

expert interior house painters in avon ctPremier Painters in Connecticut

Franklin Painting has been the best option for professional house painting in CT for decades. Our estimate for a job encompasses the expenses of getting the job done with excellence and producing long-term impressive results. We’ve discovered that satisfied customers consider our professional-quality results to be a much better deal than paying less for substandard work. Contact us at Franklin Painting today by calling 877-646-7774.

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