Popular Paint Colors for Your Kitchen Cabinets

professional painting cabinets in east windsor ctThe most important rule when choosing paint colors for interior projects within your home is, go with what makes you feel good.  Of course, that leaves a lot of open space for people who aren’t experienced painters and color-combiners.  For this reason, we’d like to share some ideas on a few popular paint colors for your kitchen cabinets – an area of painting that requires a little thought and imagination.

Two primary factors are involved in selecting cabinet paint colors:

  • The existing color theme(s) of your kitchen
  • The amount of natural and artificial light in your kitchen

Generally, you’ll want your cabinets to blend in with the other colors dominant within your kitchen.  If the walls are pale yellow, a bright orange paint for the cabinets might not work.  Stark contrast, however, can work very well, particularly if you match a vibrant cabinet color to the color within nearby artwork, window treatments and certain pieces of furniture.

Kitchens often are painted in a lighter color scheme than what is found in other parts of the home.  But if your kitchen is normally awash with intense outside light or strong interior lighting, you can get away with going darker for your cabinets.  If lighting is dim, then lighter colors on the cabinets would be perfect.

Most trendy colors for kitchen cabinets

Dark gray and white combo

Darker shades of gray are popular these days in everything from cars to clothing.  Consider white for the upper-level cabinetry with a grounding, contrasting dark gray for the cabinets on the ground level.

Solid white

If you have a lot of color already happening in your kitchen, you might achieve a pleasant balance by making the cabinets solid white.  Big sections of all-white can wash out a light-colored room, but white makes a stunning contrast if there are a variety of hard-to-match colors already there.

Faded gray

Less-intense gray hues can work wonders in a kitchen that has a white color scheme for its walls.  You won’t get a heavy contrast, but you’ll definitely keep the room light and pleasant.  Also, subtle gray paint on your cabinets will pick up and show off other smaller sections of color within the kitchen.

Heavy blue

For a more “modern” look, particularly if you have walls in a good contrasting color, navy blue or any of the darker blue shades will make a serious statement.  Among all the dark color shades, blue seems to work best for kitchen sections because it’s more relaxing and contemplative than, say, fire engine red or forest green.


white painted cabinet service and interior painting in farmington ctA bright white cabinet color scheme will help to increase the perception of light within a kitchen, but if that’s not really your goal but you don’t want to go vibrant with color, consider an off-white paint shade.  All variants of off-white paint produce a calming effect while helping all the other colors within a kitchen stand out and be noticed.

No matter what color you choose for your kitchen cabinets, invest in high-quality paint from manufacturers like Sherwin-Williams and Benjamin Moore to ensure that your new cabinets look fantastic for years to come.

If you need help with any interior or exterior home painting project, the professionals at Franklin Painting of Farmington, CT, are standing by.  With every job, our only goal is to satisfy and amaze you.  Call us at (877) 646-7774.

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