Should You Paint Your Exterior In The Fall


You’ve noticed that your house’s exterior is fading, and with the cool fall weather upon us, it may seem the perfect time to repaint your home. But before you dip that brush into the paint, remember that cold and wet weather could make your exterior walls look like a cracked eggshell. 

Fall can be an ideal time to paint your house’s exterior in Hartford and Central Connecticut. The weather is typically mild, the bugs are gone, and it will look fresh for the holidays. However, the season can be tricky for inexperienced painters, so here are a few DIY exterior painting tips from the professional house painters at Franklin Painting:

exterior house painting in Burlington CTChoose the Right Exterior Paint 

First and foremost, you must choose the right paint for the job. Look for a sheen designed explicitly for outdoor use that can withstand the New England climate. For example, Sherwin Williams Duration is a premium exterior acrylic latex that can be applied in temperatures above 35°F. Also, Behr Premium Plus® paints are made for dry weather between 35° and 90°F. 

Prep the Surface 

Clean the surface thoroughly and remove any loose or peeling paint. You may also need to sand the surface lightly to create a smooth finish.

Review the Weather Forecast

Painting in the fall will require approximately four weeks for the paint to bond to the exterior surface completely. So, check the weather forecast for the next few days before you start painting. Avoid painting on days when rain, snow, sub-freezing temps, or high winds are expected.

Get an Early Start 

The best time to paint is right after breakfast in the morning when the temperatures are cooler. Since cooler fall weather increases drying time, the paint will have plenty of time to dry before the sun goes down.

Apply the Paint Properly

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and apply the paint with multiple thin coats. Here are some creative ways to add a splash of personality to your fall paint job:

  • Use accent colors: If you’re feeling bold, try using accent colors to highlight certain home features, such as the front door, shutters, or trim. It is a great way to add a touch of visual interest and make your home stand out from the crowd.
  • Paint your front door: A fresh coat of paint on your front door is a simple and inexpensive way to make a bold impact. Choose a color that complements the rest of your home’s exterior and will welcome your guests with a warm and inviting ambiance.

professional exterior home painting in Avon CtPopular Exterior Paint Colors for 2023 in Central CT

Unsurprisingly, the most popular paint colors in 2023 in the Greater Hartford, CT region are a modern twist on whites, earthy, and neutral tones.

  • Benjamin Moore White Dove
  • Behr Natural Bark
  • Benjamin Moore Newburyport Blue
  • Sherwin Williams Gray Screen
  • Behr Blank Canvas*

*2023 exterior color of the year.

Proper planning and preparation can give your home in Central Connecticut a fresh look for the fall season.

Professional House Painter in Central Connecticut

Painting in the fall can be tricky for an inexperienced painter.

So, to avoid common paint problems, hiring a professional painter is strongly recommended for superior results. Franklin Painting is your neighborhood house painter in the Hartford area. We’re a licensed and insured contractor serving Cromwell, Essex, Middletown, Wethersfield, and surrounding Central CT townships. Call 877.646.7774 or contact us online to schedule an appointment for a free estimate today! We guarantee your satisfaction!

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