When the paint on your home’s exterior begins to fade, chip, and crack, it brings down the entire look of your house. The property value of your home can drop, if a worn-out paint job isn’t properly addressed. It can be daunting to tackle an exterior house painting job, but it needs to be done every five to ten years, depending both on where you live and the quality of the previous exterior paint job. Homeowners in places like Arizona, where the sun is brutal, usually have to deal with the need for a new paint job within five years. There are three questions that many professionals follow as a guide for determining when an exterior house painting job is needed:
- Is the home’s exterior still a reflection of your personal standards?
- Has wood rot begun to occur?
- If you are selling your home, will the paint job lessen the value of your property and discourage potential buyers?
Maintain the Exterior
One often-neglected way to extend the life of an exterior paint job is to keep up with annual maintenance, addressing problems as they occur. If you deal with one area in which the wood has begun to rot, that may be all that’s needed at that point. Retouching at some point may involve re-caulking.
Signs that Exterior House Painting is Needed
Even the best paint jobs that are well maintained eventually expire. As mentioned above, a dingy paint job that is chipping, fading, and cracking needs to be re-done. Exposed wood and wood rot are also signs that it is time for exterior home painting.
Tips for Exterior Painting that Will Last
The approach to getting an exterior paint job on your home will make all the difference in how long it will last and how long it will look good. If you gather quotes from professional painters, keep in mind that paying less almost always costs more in the end. A paint job that is done haphazardly and without attention to important details could force you to do another repaint within as little as one or two years. From preparing the wood to choosing the kind of paint to use, every step of the process can be what lengthens or shortens the life of your home’s exterior paint job.
The following are some tips with regard to exterior house painting:
Don’t wait too long because the amount of wood that needs to be replaced could greatly increase the cost of your new exterior paint job. Exposed wood is more vulnerable to the elements.
- Address all damaged surfaces before beginning a paint job. Sealing and caulking should be part of the preparation process.
- Start with a clean surface, prior to application of new primer and paint.
- Using paint primer is recommended by all paint professionals because it makes the surface ready in a way that extends the life and improves the appearance of the exterior paint job.
- The type of exterior paint that you use is a critical factor, as far as determining the durability of your new paint job. Always choose high-quality paint for an exterior paint job.
Is it time for a new coat of exterior paint on your home? Get the job done right, and you can put off the task for a much longer period of time. Call our professionals, if you want the job done right, with minimal hassle and best results.
Franklin Painting LLC – Call us Toll Free at 877-646-7774
or at our main office number 860-678-7701
160 Brickyard Road, Farmington, CT 06032